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Since its creation in 2012, the “Moins 5 Festival” invites you to see the ice as a partner in the game! This year, it offers dance, a one-man show, theater and performance, but also a debate on the decarbonation of ice rinks, 2 open stages and 2 public artistic activities.

Scheduled performances and events

Vertical Influences – Le Patin Libre
The energy control of ice rink – NewPatinAge
Heureux soient les fêlés – François Mallet
ArtS sur Glace – Moins 5
L’Homme-Lames – Moins 5
Public workshops and sessions with the artists

From Thu, 18 May. 2023 To Sun, 21 May. 2023

Festival Moins 5

Since its creation in 2012, the “Moins 5 Festival” invites you to see the ice as a partner in the game! This year, it offers dance, a one-man show, theater and performance, but also a debate on the decarbonation of ice rinks, 2 open stages and 2 public artistic activities.

Compagnie Moins 5
Monéteau, France